Historical Truths Behind Old English Sayings
Why brides carry a bouquet at weddings; The rule of thumb; It’s raining cats and dogs; Bringing home the bacon
Exploring technology, PC gaming, the web, the world and the possible future - mixed with a tasteful dash of humour. Written by tech columnist & multimedia journo Galen Schultz
Why brides carry a bouquet at weddings; The rule of thumb; It’s raining cats and dogs; Bringing home the bacon
GAMIFICATION: Steampunk & Gaming Trends in Education I find gaming trends (specifically, gamification) hugely interesting. But before I go any further, it’s important not to think of gaming as mindless blood & guts violence,...
A friend of mine has got me quite excited about windowfarming. You could say the idea is growing on me.
DEEP WEB: The Darkness That Lies Beneath … According to QI researchers, more than 90% of the Internet is comprised of spam, while less than 1% is pornography. One might have expected there to...
Perceptions of Time: Time is a dimension we all thought we knew until we were asked to describe it. Is it really just a human invention?
PHDC have put together this great animated explainer video which may help those who are unfamiliar with the Higgs Boson to understand what all the fuss is about
BODY LANGUAGE: You Say It Best When You Say Nothing At All. I stumbled across an interesting article on cracked.com called 24 Scientific Ways to Influence People Without Saying a Word. The gist of...
Guide to playing Fallout New Vegas on very hard difficulty in Hardcore mode. General stats, perks, skill points, leveling up
Top 10 free Digital Blasphemy wallpapers. Digital Blasphemy is by far one of the best places to find incredible PC wallpapers.
Dear Esther, I happened upon fragments of washed up letters. Soggy parchments bring word that those on the mainland speak of my lonely plight as some sort of game