Category: Cosmology

The awe and wonder of our Universe


The Most Astounding Fact

The video clip “The Most Astounding Fact” is both emotionally moving and hugely insightful. Neil deGrasse Tyson has a knack for explaining cosmological events with such passion and simplicity.

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About Time …

Perceptions of Time: Time is a dimension we all thought we knew until we were asked to describe it. Is it really just a human invention?

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The Higgs Boson Explained

PHDC have put together this great animated explainer video which may help those who are unfamiliar with the Higgs Boson to understand what all the fuss is about

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DOME: The Self-Tuning, Self-Learning Data Analyser

IBM has entered into a four year collaboration with ASTRON to research extremely fast, but low-power exascale computer systems targeted for the Square Kilometer Array (SKA). The goal of the 10 countries involved is to decipher radio waves from deep space to solve the riddles of the universe and the nature of matter.


Sitting on Planet Earth in Relative Safety

I paid a visit to the Planetarium again recently. I was so inspired that I wrote this cosmology poem. I call it “Sitting on Planet Earth in Relative Safety”