Effects of Bullying: To This Day Project
TO THIS DAY VIDEO: The Effects of Bullying
The effects of bullying can manifest in horrible ways and severely affect an individual later in life. Low self-esteem, lack of confidence and feelings of being unloved or inferior can all be traumatizing outcomes of the effects of bullying.
Shane Koyczan has begun a bullying project to help confront bullying. His poem, To This Day, which has been transformed into a brilliantly animated video, is on its way to becoming viral. To This Day powerfully illustrates the effects of bullying and has been put together by dozens of animators.
The To This Day Project is a very powerful and moving video and should certainly be shared as extensively as possible.
To This Day Project – Shane Koyczan (The Effects of Bullying)
I can remember being responsible for some nasty name-calling at school. It made me think that the group mentality around bullying has a lot to do with self-preservation. In other words, if someone else is the victim of bullying, then that decreases the chance of you being the victim. It’s a nasty circle.
Anyway, I hope Shane’s brilliant video offers some good insight into the detrimental effects of bullying. Please share this post however you can and help educate others on this important issue.
Here’s some splurb from YouTube:
“My experiences with violence in schools still echo throughout my life, but standing to face the problem has helped me in immeasurable ways. Schools and families are in desperate need of proper tools to confront this problem. This piece is a starting point.” – Shane Koyczan
Some Useful Resources:
Find Shane on Facebook
- Follow Shane on Twitter
- Anti-Bullying Resources
Shane also sends out one new poem each month via email. You might like to join him.