Blessings, by Stephen Eardley, reminds us that we have much to be thankful for by helping us contextualise our lives
Exploring technology, PC gaming, the web, the world and the possible future - mixed with a tasteful dash of humour. Written by tech columnist & multimedia journo Galen Schultz
Blessings, by Stephen Eardley, reminds us that we have much to be thankful for by helping us contextualise our lives
GOOD ADVICE: Free life lessons lent from loving people. 1. Forgive everyone everything 2. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good
The Awakening poem by Sonny Carol got me through a very bleak time in my life. Just when I thought life had no meaning anymore my dear mother send me this poem to cheer me up. It really is an inspirational piece so I thought I share some of its wise words with you.
In this rat race of life, sometimes we need to slow down & smell the roses. Life’s a bloody brief candle, so here are some inspirational quotations for life
Desiderata (latin for “desired things”) is an inspirational prose poem written by Max Ehrmann in 1927 about attaining happiness in life