Top Gadgets 2010 – Top 10 Gadgets & Tech Treats

TOP GADGETS 2010: Top 10 gadgets & tech treats from 2010

It’s clear that we are firmly in the age of digital technologies. No doubt each year will bring new and exciting gadgets to the table that will make today’s ones seem so last year, but it’s good to take stock of where we are today and how far we’ve come.

With a quest to develop all-in-one gadgets, the market has become saturated with digital devices that can all do pretty much the same thing. It seems to be more about brand name and style than anything else. What follows is my list of top gadgets 2010.

Top 10 Gadgets: 1. The Apple iPad

Apple iPad - Top Gadgets 2010
Although tablet PCs are not new to the world, Apple tends to take things a few strides further and did so with the release of the Apple iPad. Capable of behaving like a laptop, media player, Internet browser, e-reader, game station, camera, photo album and more, the iPad really is an all-on-one digital device.

Top 10 Gadgets: 2. Apple iPhone 4G

Apple iPhone 4G - Top Gadgets 2010The iPhone was hailed as a revolutionary mobile that not only looked good, but could do more than you could ever ask of a phone. It is certainly one device that will be continuously upgraded and enhanced thanks to its eager fan base. The iPhone 4G boasts the sharpest, most vibrant, highest-resolution screen on the cellular market today.

Top 10 Gadgets: 3. The Garmin Nüvi 1390T GPS

Garmin Nüvi 1390T - Top Gadgets 2010GPS devices may be so last year, but what the latest models can do almost makes one gawk at satellite technology. This particular GPS not only comes with lifetime map updates, but features an enhanced user interface, ecoRoute (which suggests fuel-efficient routes), pedestrian navigation and the new public transit mode, which allows you to navigate using buses, tramway, metro­ and suburban rail systems.

Top 10 Gadgets: 4. Logitech Revue with Google TV

Logitech Revue With Google TV - Top Gadgets 2010Although not quite mainstream yet, at least not in South Africa, Logitech Revue­ essentially allows you to connect your TV and satellite cable with a high speed Internet connection via Ethernet or Wi-Fi to bring you Google TV. Switch between regular broadcasts and online content (specifically Google TV) at will. Use a keyboard to search for your favourite shows or surf the Internet on your TV; or use your iPhone 4 as a TV remote.

Samsung LED 9000 Series 2 - Top Gadgets 2010Top 10 Gadgets: 5. Samsung LED 9000 series

3DTV has boomed this year with the release of several films in 3D as well as newer 3DTVs to enjoy watching them at home. I always speak highly of Samsung screens and this particular 3DTV has got to be one of the slickest on the market. As thin as a number two pencil, this TV will do 3D right out of the box.

Top 10 Gadgets: 6. Panasonic 3D camcorder

Panasonic 3D Camcorder - Top Gadgets 2010With the explosion of 3D films and new 3DTVs this year, it won’t take long before consumers will want to start producing their own videos in 3D. Panasonic has been hailed as the first to bring 3D video to the consumer level with this camcorder, although it will set you back about R150 000.

Top 10 Gadgets: 7. The Nook Colour E-Reader

Nook Color E-Reader - Top Gadgets 2010E-Readers have certainly come into fashion this year, and although one can use an iPad or iPhone as an e-reader, the Nook Colour features a 17 cm touch screen and comes in full colour — perfect for children’s books and magazines, as well as enhanced books and newspapers. The Nook can also be used to surf the Internet, listen to music and play games. It’s an e-reader the whole family can enjoy.

Top 10 Gadgets: 8. Fourth Generation Apple Ipod Touch

Apple iPod touch - Top Gadgets 2010Ipods are not just about listening to music­ anymore. Video chatting, filming and sharing HD video, playing games and listening to music are all doable with the forth, and not last, Apple Ipod Touch.

Top 10 Gadgets: 9. Bluetooth-enabled, iPhone-compatible Meat Thermometer

Bluetooth-enabled, iPhone-compatible Meat Thermometer - Top Gadgets 2010A new gadget for the kitchen, this iGrill meat thermometer will connect to your iPhone via Bluetooth so that you can check the status of whatever meat you’re cooking from any room in the house. With a range of 60 metres and capable of registering up to 200°C, you’ll able to keep an eye on dinner while taking a bath.

Top 10 Gadgets: 10. Kodak PlaySport

Kodak PlaySport - Top Gadgets 2010The PlaySport is a durable camera for the outdoors type. It’s drop-resistant, and waterproof and can be dragged around the world without worry. Strap it to your body before scaling a mountain or skiing down a slope and capture all your adventures in high quality video­.

and Time Magazine’s Top 10 Gadgets

** More Gadget & Tech Reviews **


Galen (name), meaning: "Curious One". A lover of language, human ingenuity and the forces of the universe. Hugely drawn towards the mysterious and unknown. Regular laughter and escapism essential.

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6 Responses

  1. KindleSA says:

    How did the Nook beat the Kindle if the Amazon has sold gazillions more Kindles?

  2. Galen says:

    The gadgets listed here were selected based on what they are able to do. The Nook appears to be a more versatile e-reader. But perhaps I’m wrong; is the Kindle able to play music and have games played on it?

  3. KindleSA says:

    The Nook is an awsome piece of kit and in short, games on the Kindle is black and white! I have not played with it as it is not sold in South Africa. I contacted Barnes & Noble yesterday to find out about distribution in SA and their response was:

    “Because selling books in digital format to international customers involves international copyright laws, tariffs, VAT taxes, currency conversions, etc., only US and Canadian residents are able to purchase NOOKbooks on the Barnes & Noble website at this time.

    We at Barnes & Noble are interested in expanding internationally, but we are currently not in a position to begin a dialogue with international distributors.

    We very much appreciate your inquiry and we will follow up in the future if our plans include expanding into the South African market.”

    Great kit…if we can have it :-)

  4. Galen says:

    Ah, well that is a shame. Makes sense though. It’s obvious that retailers have to be very careful about international copyright laws. Thanks for sharing your findings with us!

  5. chadwin says:

    Too many Apple products in this list

  6. Galen says:

    @Chadwin: Are there? Less than half are Apple. I may come across as a fan of Apple, but I honestly don’t own any Apple products myself. This list is largely based on sales and overall popularity. It also draws on other comparisons made in the sources listed. I’ve tried to keep this list as varied as possible.

    Is there any 2010 product that you would add to this list?

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