The Most Astounding Fact
The video clip “The Most Astounding Fact” is both emotionally moving and hugely insightful. Neil deGrasse Tyson has a knack for explaining cosmological events with such passion and simplicity.
Exploring technology, PC gaming, the web, the world and the possible future - mixed with a tasteful dash of humour. Written by tech columnist & multimedia journo Galen Schultz
The video clip “The Most Astounding Fact” is both emotionally moving and hugely insightful. Neil deGrasse Tyson has a knack for explaining cosmological events with such passion and simplicity.
Gadgets & technology / Quite Interesting
by Galen · Published July 4, 2022 · Last modified June 20, 2024
An introduction to the basic theories of quantum physics and how these affect our reality (or make our heads explode)
There are now at least 6 theories that aim to address the question of what happened before the Big Bang
Take this page; look at it at ever smaller distances and time scales and the apparent mad world I have described will unfold before your eyes
I paid a visit to the Planetarium again recently. I was so inspired that I wrote this cosmology poem. I call it “Sitting on Planet Earth in Relative Safety”
Suppose you want to order breakfast and the waiter gives you a menu of thousands of different choices
In the disc of the Milky Way galaxy we find metal-rich Population I stars, which are capable of forming planets