SA downhill champs

GREG MINNAAR: World Champion of downhill

IT’S the last Wednesday of January 2009 and therefore time for me to assess what I achieved last year. This really just involved looking at some photographs and videos that I made in 2008 and slipping into a semi-nostalgic state.

I haven’t been producing many new videos this year mostly due to a more demanding social life, which I got for Christmas. But I did think that some of these vidoes now deserve a place on my blog, and have decided to bring you a weekly video post. Yay!

I’ll try and make these sound as relevant as possible. On that note, downhill cycling champ Greg Minnaar has been in the sporting news quite a lot this year. He has been doing rather well for himself lately and is basically the “world champion of downhill.” Fact.

So Cape Town, you may have Table Mountain and Johannesburg… gold and stuff, but we have Greg Minnaar – born and bred in the P M of B! Pietermaritzburg is also one of Greg Minnaars favourite places to practice, which is easy to see why as we have a fantastic downhill course for fanatics to practice upon.

So without any further ado here is Greg Minnaar and others in action at the Downhill Cycling champs held in Maritzburg around this time last year.

PS: The man even has his own wikipedia entry. That’s pretty hectic I say.

Greg Minnaar: World Champion of Downhill

Wasn’t that fun? I thought so. Stand-up chap too. You can follow Greg Minnaar on his cycling adventures on his website.

Until next time. Peace out.


Galen (name), meaning: "Curious One". A lover of language, human ingenuity and the forces of the universe. Hugely drawn towards the mysterious and unknown. Regular laughter and escapism essential.

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1 Response

  1. Galen says:

    I forgot how irritating that commentator was in the background. New videos I make will be much better quality than this one. And that’s my promise to you :-)

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