Tagged: Just for fun


Valentines Day Videos (A Feel Good Collection)

I thought I’d share a collection of feel good Valentines Day Videos. Whether you are single, have a long-time partner, or perhaps a new love interest in your live, these should tug at your heartstrings and make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.


Photo Fun

I had some great fun with a couple of photography websites a while back called yearbookyourself and photofunia

15km2 of rain forrest disappears every minute 3

Intelligent Advertising

There’s something very pleasing about intelligent advertising whether these be a poster or a TV commercial. Strange … I have a sudden urge to drink Heineken


New ABC Alphabet for Kids

Kids still learn the alphabet today, but the only thing that stayed the same is that A still stands for Apple! Alphabet charts for kids in the digital age

Employment Test Question 1

Employment Test Question

This is a ethical dilemma that was once actually used as part of a job application. You are driving down the road in your car

Dear *blank* 0

Dear *blank*

Dear girls who have been dumped: There are plenty of fish in the sea. Just kidding! They’re all dead. Sincerely, BP