A dollar for your ideas?

MONEY: Earn a sizeable bounty for your creative ideas with Idea Bounty

HAVE you ever experienced one of those moments when you, a friend, or a family-member comes up with some really good idea during conversation when someone says: “That’s brilliant! You really should patent that idea!” Most people have, yet while we may dwell in the flattery of such words, very few naturally-gifted think tanks ever get off their behinds and actually do something with such ‘million-dollar ideas’.

Idea!Of course the market for ideas is a competitive one; people are trying to sell ideas every day. It’s also not easy pitching unique ideas to different individuals and trying to get them to see your vision. If, on the other hand, you decide to implement a practical idea yourself, you may find that you lack motivation or the resources to do so.

Sometimes you just want to get an idea written down and put out there and hope to the powers that be that it somehow gets discovered and praised. But why not get paid for it too?

If you’re bursting with business ideas, but perhaps lacks the motivation to implement them yourself, there is the perfect platform for you.

Idea Bounty is a social think-tank that provides a secure channel for the worldwide creative community to offer solutions to creative briefs. A reward or bounty is offered for the idea that best answers the brief, and the contributor of the winning idea gets the cash.

Idea Bounty is a social think-tank that provides a secure channel for the worldwide creative community to offer solutions to creative briefs. A bounty is offered for the idea that best answers the brief, and the contributor of the winning idea gets the cash.

Idea Bounty is an online service that operates within the market for ideas. Businesses or clients sign up and submit a brief for something they want — such as ideas for an advert. Users or creatives are then invited to submit their ideas for that brief. A sizeable bounty is offered by the client beforehand and it is bestowed upon the person who submits the best idea. In other words, the best idea is chosen by, and sold to, the client or business.

The Idea Bounty website is now one year old with more than 7 500 registered creatives. Among the clients served so far are FNB, Castle­ Lager, BMW and Red Bull, with the biggest bounty to date being a whopping $10 000. Here’s a little more from the Idea Bounty team …

• What is Idea Bounty?
Well the simple answer is that for clients, Idea Bounty is the simplest way to hire thousands of creatives and only pay for the ideas you want. For creatives, it’s an amazing platform that allows you to pitch on various briefs. The bottom line: clients get the best ideas and creatives get paid for those ideas.

• How does this social think tank operate?
Idea Bounty is a social think tank that provides a secure channel for the world wide creative community to offer solutions to creative briefs. A reward or ‘bounty’ is offered for the idea that best answers the brief and the contributor of the winning idea gets the cash.

• What’s the catch?
There is none! We want to facilitate the exchange of ideas based on an open economy. The value of the reward will dictate the quality of the ideas competing for the bounty. Creatives: The idea belongs to you until you get paid. Clients: You only pay for what you like. You use it, you buy it.

• What’s in it for clients?
The traditional model for purchasing creative output (in the form of creative expertise, ideas and ultimately communication platforms) has dictated that the client (the person with the problem) pay based on how many people and hours have been used in creating the end product. So it’s rare that a budget allows more than two or three resources to be allocated to solving a brief.

cash!If you truly wanted to inject the energy and diverse thinking (ideas) of hundreds of hungry experts, the costs would grow exponentially as new individuals lend their expertise… enter Idea Bounty. Here you have access to all the ideas and brains behind your brief but you only have to pay for what you like.

• What’s in it for creatives?
Are you a ‘great ideas scribbled on the back of a napkin’ type of person, the type who keeps a notebook next to their bed so when they wake up they can jot down the most insanely inspired dream-time Ideas?

So you’re über creative and ideas pop into your head at a rate of knots, but why would you need Idea Bounty?

The world’s creative industries are competitive by nature and driven by accolades and rewards. Unfortunately these don’t always carry any financial benefit … enter Idea Bounty.

• What’s the deal between clients and creatives?
The ideas you submit will only be visible to you and the client so you don’t have to fret about anyone ‘borrowing’ your brilliant ideas. If your idea is used by one of our clients you will receive the cash reward (Bounty) on offer.

We will of course let everyone know whether their ideas have been rewarded, and in the case where the client would like you to continue working on the project we will gladly put you in touch with one another.

• The team behind Idea Bounty

“Idea Bounty was started by a guy who saw the light and a guy who was frantically waving a torch.”

“The Idea Bounty team boasts a collective 16 years experience in the worlds of traditional advertising and online marketing. Above-the-line, through-the-line, below-the-line… any bloody line – you name it we’ve done it.

In short – we know how to find creative solutions to business problems and ensure that finding these creative solutions is a smooth process. Idea Bounty is the social think tank that is going to inject some real inspiration into your business.”

There you have it – the perfect platform to get those creative juices flowing and perhaps earn a pretty penny in the process.

That’s www.ideabounty.com

  • Click here to sign up and get cracking!

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Galen (name), meaning: "Curious One". A lover of language, human ingenuity and the forces of the universe. Hugely drawn towards the mysterious and unknown. Regular laughter and escapism essential.

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