Tagged: Lifestyle


Blessings, by Stephen Eardley, reminds us that we have much to be thankful for by helping us contextualise our lives

Clever Designs 0

Clever Designs

A red car desk? A fish tank sink? A book case chair? Believe it or not. A collection of some cleverly crafted household designs

30 Life Lessons 0

30 Life Lessons

GOOD ADVICE: Free life lessons lent from loving people. 1. Forgive everyone everything 2. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good

A pilgrimage of dance 2

A pilgrimage of dance

VIDEO: Ancient Southern Indian temple dancers recorded in stone at sacred temples come to life as award winning dancer – Dr Anita Shanmuganathan and her team of husband and wife perform in front of the High Commissioner of India and other distinguished guests in an event held in Durban. Dr Anita Shanmuganathan earned a National Award for Best Dancer in India as well as the Tamil title “Bharatanatya Pracharamani” in 2002. Today she is one of the world’s most renowned spiritual dancers.