
Galen (name), meaning: "Curious One". A lover of language, human ingenuity and the forces of the universe. Hugely drawn towards the mysterious and unknown. Regular laughter and escapism essential.

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2 Responses

  1. pixelgarde says:

    There are alternatives to switching off your GPS radio when taking pictures on your iPhone. Once such alternative is a Free application for iPhone users called Pixelgarde Photo Privacy Editor. It lets you see information like geotags in your photos, and then lets you decide if you want to remove it from photos you want to share. Then you can share your photos on Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, Picasa, Photobucket, Email, or export them to share on a social netowrk that isn’t supported. Other products for PC and Android will be available soon.

  2. Galen says:

    Thanks for the information pixelgarde. Trust the iPhone to release an app for that!

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